A series of pink relief sculptures cast using discarded nos canisters collected from the streets on route to my studio in 2022-23. A light hearted future fossil in cake icing pink - a little hint to the intended confectionery application of the shrapnel canisters that litter the streets...
A series of pink relief sculptures cast using discarded nos canisters collected from the streets on route to my studio in 2022-23. A light hearted future fossil in cake icing pink - a little hint to the intended confectionery application of the shrapnel canisters that litter the streets...
Dimensions: 2o x 30 x 4 cm
Relief cast in Jesomite with the pinkest pigment.
Relief cast in Jesomite with the pinkest pigment.
This work was made for the exhibition STAGE part of P E B B L E / S H O E at Kingsgate Project Space in London organised by Casper White and James Moore.
This work was made for the exhibition STAGE part of P E B B L E / S H O E at Kingsgate Project Space in London organised by Casper White and James Moore.
A typical treasure trove i'd find on route to my studio
As of 8 November 2023, Nitrous oxide is now a Class C drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, making possession and sale for recreational purposes a criminal offence.
Nitrous oxide. NOS is a colourless gas that's recreationally popular as laughing gas and inhaled using a balloon. Sold in small metal canisters often obtained from whipped-cream chargers, sometimes called 'whippets', the single-use steel cartridges contain 8g of highly pressurised nitrous oxide gas. It's use soared during the pandemic, becoming one of the most-abused substances, especially by 16 to 24-year-olds.
As of 8 November 2023, Nitrous oxide is now a Class C drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, making possession and sale for recreational purposes a criminal offence.
Nitrous oxide. NOS is a colourless gas that's recreationally popular as laughing gas and inhaled using a balloon. Sold in small metal canisters often obtained from whipped-cream chargers, sometimes called 'whippets', the single-use steel cartridges contain 8g of highly pressurised nitrous oxide gas. It's use soared during the pandemic, becoming one of the most-abused substances, especially by 16 to 24-year-olds.